
Pfizer rabies vaccine serial number
Pfizer rabies vaccine serial number

Copies may be obtained from the World Health Organization Publications Center USA, 49 Sheridan Avenue, Albany, NY 12210. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.

pfizer rabies vaccine serial number

In the United States, that authority is the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service's Center for Veterinary Biologics Laboratory, located at 1920 Dayton Avenue, P.O. These provisions state that the challenge virus standard to be used as the challenge in the NIH test and the reference vaccine for the test are available from the national control authority. The provisions of chapter 37 of “Laboratory Techniques in Rabies,” Fourth Edition (1996), are the minimum standards for achieving compliance with this section and are incorporated by reference. Koprowski, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (ISBN 92 4 154479 1).

pfizer rabies vaccine serial number

A mean relative potency value of the vaccine to be used in the host animalpotency test must be established by at least five replicate potency tests conducted in accordance with the standard NIH test for potency in chapter 37 of “Laboratory Techniques in Rabies,” Fourth Edition (1996), edited by F.X. (1) The preinactivation virus titer must be established as soon as possible after harvest by at least five separate virus titrations.

Pfizer rabies vaccine serial number